What responsibility do I have toward my Christian brothers and sisters? What do they have toward me in time of need? This can be a very interesting subject. So what do I do or what can I expect from my Christian bothers and sisters when trouble comes or I need help? So often we neglect help either directly or indirectly. Sometimes, even before trouble or despair lays us flat, we could turn toward a helpful soul. Sometimes, even though He isn't, Jesus seems to be so far away and we feel so lonely. The Bible tells us three things we as Christians owe to each other as brothers and sisters in the Lord. The first of these is prayer. Paul exhorts us to pray and watch over each other in Eph 6:18... "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and WATCHING thereunto with all PERSEVERANCE AND SUPPLICATION FOR ALL SAINTS." Secondly Paul tells us to exhort each other to having a closer walk with God. I Tim 4:13... "Till I come give attendance to reading, TO EXHORTATION and to doctrine." Again in Heb 3:13... "But EXHORT one another DAILY, WHILE IT IS TODAY; LEST ANY OF YOU BE HARDENED THROUGH THE DECEITFULNESS OF SIN." And lastly, to confess our faults and problems to one another. James 5:16... "Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye might be healed.........." Please note the word pray. Herein are our obligations to each other. Much pain and suffering would not take place if we would only follow these simple rules. PRAY, EXHORT, AND CONFESS